Latest News

This page contains details of the most recent changes to this website, and any urgent news about the society.

Most recent updates to website

July 23rd: Details of next season’s talks added to Meetings page

July 19th: Report on July work-party added to Cheshire Locks News – 2024 + Location of August and September work-parties added to Diary of Events 

July 2nd: Pictures of June work-party added to Cheshire Locks News – 2024

May 22nd: Previous issue added to Grand Trunk Magazine page

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February 5th: Special 50th anniversary logo replaces our usual logo in website navigation menu.

If you need to contact the society, please visit our Contact Us page

If you have arrived here via a Link or a Search, then please note that the full name of the site is  however the shortest name to use is just which saves quite a bit of typing!